Series 2: Laying the Foundation

Okay, did you all like the skincare post?  Here we go for the next round: laying the foundation.  This is where I conceal all the various spots and dots on my face, before I put on any color (blush, eyeshadow).  Some women are lucky in that they don’t need foundation because their skin is peaches & cream and not dry and not oily.  I am not that woman.  My face gets oily and any makeup will disappear if I’m lucky, or run down my face, not attractive.

Before I start, I want to reiterate that you should moisturize before foundation.  This is an important step because it will prevent any dry patches from popping up and ruining your makeup look.  It also imparts a little natural glow to your complexion.

Step 1: Primer for your face (not eyes).  One word:  Lifesaver.  It keeps your foundation, powder and blush from disappearing, streaking and turning a weird color.  Since I’ve used this primer, my oily complexion has been behaving.  A lot less blotting and I stopped powdering my face when I’m out.  I just use my fingers in applying this all over my face (not my eye area, however).


Step 2: Foundation and Illuminator.  I use both a liquid foundation and an illuminator because I like a dewy or glowing finish as opposed to a straight up matte finish (which can age you).  I also find that the illuminator stretches out the foundation, which is good since foundation can get pricey.  I am using the last of my Prescriptives Virtual Matte Oil-Control Makeup in Fresh Gold for my foundation and Benefit Moon Beam for my illuminator.  I think you can still buy some Prescriptives products online now but the line is no longer available in stores.  Big bummer.  For special occasions, I use my DiorSkin Airflash Spray Foundation in Light Beige for a flawless, airbrushed look.  This was used for my wedding makeup and I was very impressed since it lasted all day and all night.  I use the DiorSkin Airflash sparingly since there’s not as much product as a bottle of liquid foundation.


I apply a few dots of liquid foundation and the illuminator at the same time and use a flat foundation brush for an even application.

One note if you use the DiorSkin spray foundation.  Do not spray onto your face; rather, spray it onto a big kabuki brush over an area where it’s easy to wipe off any foundation (like over your sink, or lay out some paper towels on a counter and spray it over them), then use the brush to apply the foundation.  Since the staying power of this foundation is beyond awesome, you don’t want it to stain your walls or whatever.

Step 3: Powder.  This step sets the foundation.  I use Prescriptives Magic Liquid Powder, which is a loose powder that supposedly diffuses light to minimize the stuff you want minimized (lines, pores, wrinkles, etc.).  It feels cool going on with a big powder brush.  I just dip it into the top part and shake any excess and one swipe of the brush is sufficient.

Step 4: Conceal and Highlight.  I only do this if needed (a big zit) or if I have extra time (highlight away!).  I have been using Estee Lauder Smoothing Creme Concealer in Medium for years.  I got it as a gift with purchase years ago and was surprised how well it hides everything.  It doesn’t cake or fade.  I put it on with my fingers after I put on my powder, very sparingly and I blend it well to the rest of my face.

To highlight, I use Dior SkinFlash Radiance Booster Pen.  It’s a brush you click for each application and I’ll put it under my eyes if they’re dark, I’ll run it along the length of my nose to make it appear thinner, or put it over the bow over my lips to highlight my lipstick/gloss.  I brush it on the area I want highlighted and use my fingers to blend in.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments.  If there’s any makeup product that you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to do so.

Have a great Monday! xo

putting on my face, Series 1: Skincare

All the new skincare and makeup products in the last few years + Me being a skincare and makeup product junkie = Lots of products on my face.  LOL.  Mind you, I don’t go all out everyday (well, I do with skincare), but I always put my face on when I go out for a fun day or night out.  There’s a direct relationship between the heel height of my shoes and the chances I’ll be wearing makeup.

I’ll start from Step 1.  Currently, I use Shiseido’s Pureness line for my skincare.  I find it to really clean without making my skin raw or feel stripped from its natural moisture (there’s a lot of it too with my oily complexion).  I like how a little of the product goes a long way.  To cleanse, I use the Deep Cleansing Foam.

Step 1: Cleanser

Then, I use toner.  I blew through my Shiseido Pureness Balancing Softener toner because it was super gentle and I felt it primed my face perfectly for moisturizer.  It was the first Shiseido Pureness product to be depleted.

Step 2: Toner

Currently, I’m using rose water that I bought at a spa for my toner.  I bought Kerstin Florian’s Rejuvenating Rose Water after I received a facial.  I find rose water to be very soothing for the occasional dry patches of skin that I get during the winters.  It’s also great to spritz on your face when you want a little pick-me-up (refrigerate it in the summer and a spritz will cool your face down).

Step 2 or 2(A)(as a spritz): Rose Water

Now, I moisturize my eye area and the rest of my face.  I’m using Prevage Eye Advanced Anti-Aging Serum for my eye area.  It’s rich in the antioxidant, Idebenone.  I don’t know what Idebenone is but I know that antioxidants are great for your skin.  I’ve used Prevage anti-aging serums for my eyes and face off and on through the years, but I always come back to Prevage.  It’s hard to explain because the results are not dramatic and overnight-obvious, but I notice that my skin and eye area looks smooth and even.  No lines, no discolorations, no puffy face.

Step 3(A)(eye area): Eye Serum

Before I apply my facial moisturizer, I put on a little prescription medication, Finacea, all over my face but not my eye area.  Finacea helps with acne as well as rosacea.  My skin still breaks out with blemishes galore, argh.  I won’t post a picture because this is a prescription drug, but consult with your dermatologist if you have any interest in this product.

I use Shiseido Pureness Matifying Moisturizer on my face.  It helps counteract any potential dryness of my acne medication but keeps the facial oils at bay.  It’s very light and has almost no scent, which I appreciate.

Step 3(B)(face, not eye area): Moisturizer

I also use a lip balm.  I am a lip balm addict (hate dry, cracked lips) and I like to moisten them up or my lipstick will look horrible over cracked lip skin.  I use either Aquaphor (feels so much better than Vaseline) or Burt’s Bees.

Step 4: Aquaphor
Step 4: Burt’s Bees (I like the Acai Berry because it has no color tint to it)

A little trick to get rid of dead lip skin.  After a shower or brushing your teeth, take your moistened toothbrush and gently rub it along your lips.  It brushes it off and then liberally apply your lip balm or Aquaphor.

Okay, that’s a lot and I haven’t even gotten to the makeup part.  But I do all 4 skincare steps, twice a day, everyday.

What is your favorite skincare product?  Any skincare tips you’d like to share?
Thanks for reading!  xo

Island In The Sun

Rachel Pally Twist Shoulder Dress in Slate Grey; Sofft Silver Thong Sandals (old)
An outfit from my Hawaii trip.  I really liked the Rachel Pally maxi dress, but I think I could have sized down to a small (I ordered the medium online but all sizes are sold out now).  I love the grey color and it looks good with silver accessories and a tan.

Here are a few more Hawaii pictures for you to enjoy:

If you’re driving around Oahu, please check out Shrimp Shack for a delicious meal.  There are many shrimp trucks that dot along the North Shore coastline, but this one won my heart and stomach.
Waimea Falls
One of many gorgeous flowers at Waimea Falls Park

I really miss Hawaii already.  I may like it more than the Caribbean islands.  I think.  But the Caribbean isles are gorgeous too.  I guess the food and coffee was better in Hawaii?  Maybe it was the backdrop of the mountains and the lava everywhere made it more exotic and different?  Or, the 10 rainbows I saw in one day on Oahu?  But, man, was the food incredible in Oahu.  I’d go back just for the food.  And, fresh french-pressed Kona coffee.

Have any of you been to Hawaii?  What did you think?  Is there another destination that you absolutely love and would return/have returned?

Enjoy the spring weather! xo


Just got back from a 9-day trip to Hawaii.  It was my first time visiting and I can tell you it won’t be my last.  We went to 2 islands:  Hawaii, a/k/a the Big Island, and Oahu.  I loved both Hawaii and Oahu and they each had a different personality.

I tried to take a picture of my dinner outfits, but I am always running a little bit behind so there’s only an extra 90 seconds to snap some quick pics before we head out for the night.  The Nanette Lepore dress was a recent purchase (discussed here) and I loved this dress.  The cut is flattering and I liked the metallic sunflower design.  The unusual neckline was cool too, I wasn’t sure about it since it looked a little awkward in the online photo, but it looked nice in real life.

My husband accidentally broke my digital camera during our tour of Pearl Harbor so I didn’t get as many photos as I would have liked.  Fortunately though, I had taken a lot of pictures of this historic memorial location.  It was a very moving tour, by the way.

I can’t wait to return to Hawaii.  I’d love to check out the other islands someday but I would definitely return to Oahu.  I really liked the city of Honolulu (the dining was amazing) and the North Shore.  I will leave you with a few amazing images which show how beautiful the islands are.  Don’t worry, I will post more about my trip soon to give you more outfits and to discuss the best part–the food!

Thanks for stopping by and Mahalo!

Sunset at Hualalai
Flower at Waimea Falls Park